Hari Vayu Stuti Parayana Procedure

Daily Sandhyavandane is a must for any mantra to give effect.

What is Parayana?

Parayana of Vayu Stuti is done, when you have a specific goal or objective in mind. It is advisable to do Parayana daily as per one’s situation. The overall effect on improvement of life is stunning!!!

Poona Procedure
A common practice is to keep a Hanuman Idol, pour honey on it for each shloka. In Raghavendra swamy Mutta, honey is prasadam for the Sri Hari Vayu Stuti Purascharane.

Other Shlokas
If all you know is Sri Hari Vayu Stuti, then you can refer to the Parayana Shlokas section, for dhyana, nyasa etc. You can start off; don’t put off doing parayana; to learn other Shlokas. There is one other Shlokas; each mutt/location has its own variation.

It will be highly beneficial if you can recite, SriMadAcharya’s SundarKanda Nirnaya (7th chapter of MahaBharata Tatparya Nirnaya) either before or after or before and after Sri Hari Vayu Stuti (after Nyasa etc.; just before Sri Hari Vayu Stuti or just after or both)

I have seen Raghavendra Swamy Mutt’s chant Manyu Sukta, Balitha Sukta, Khila Vayu Stuti etc.

* I also chant Yantrodharaka Mukhya Prana Stotram by Sri VyasaRajaru after Sri Hari Vayu Stuti.

I personally feel you should start Parayana, without waiting until you are in a situation that demands it, if you are not sure of which abheesta shloka to choose. You could choose each shloka and do a parayana for all the 41 shlokas in a year (1 sholka/week=41 weeks). I normally do method #6 Sri Vyasaraja Paddathi; since this for all shlokas and also I can do parayana in a little over an hour.

Remember you need to do this for a week at least, choose a simpler method for your initial parayanas; if you are not used to mantras. You can build up gradually.  You can add Anjaneya Ashottara, any Anjaneya mantras; as mentioned earlier, be practical you need to do it for a week.  Don’t be in a position where you are watching the clock and chanting shlokas

During the week of doing the Parayana, be completely mindful. No arguments, don’t lose your temper, no sensuous thoughts, no display of power, no bad thoughts. While doing Parayana, you are pushing the envelope; doing any of the above amounts to loss of spiritual energy. Pray to Lord Sri Hari to give you the power to do the parayana and remove any obstacles while doing Parayana. There will be a lot of tests during the week of Parayana, be completely aware

Parayana is restricted to gents. SriPadarajaru has composed MadhvaNama which is the equivalent for ladies.
Parayana should not be done at night. Parayana should not be done during ashouchya.
Beginners can learn Sri Hari Vayu Stuti during night.

Different Methods of Parayana
#1  First, the “Abheeshta Shloka” (shloka whose benefits we desire) is to be chosen. Then, start with the Nakha Stuti and chant up to the desired shloka. Chant the desired shloka 108 times. Go till the end and finish with the Nakha Stuti. Repeat the Nakha Stuti and chant the entire Vayu Stuti in the reverse order. Finally, end with the Nakha Stuti
#2 Sorts with the Nakha Stuti, chant Vayu Stuti, and end with Nakha Stuti. Repeat Nakha Stuti, chant Vayu Stuti in reverse order and end with Nakha Stuti. Then, chant the Abheeshta Shloka 108 times. Repeat the whole procedure as described previously once again. Here Abheeshta Shloka chanting is placed between two sets of complete recitation (in mala order).
#3 Starts with the Abheeshta Shloka and recite till the end and finish with Nakha Stuti. Repeat Nakha stuti again and chant in reverse order. End with Nakha stuti. Recite Nakha stuti once again and reach till the shloka before Abheeshta Shloka. This completes one mala. Repeat this a total of 7 times. Or this is done once a day for seven consecutive days.
#4  Sri Vyasaraja Paddathi: Nakha Stuti, Abheeshta Shloka to 41, Nakha Stuti,1 to 41, Nakha Stuti
#5  Sri Vadiraja Paddathi: Nakha Stuti, 1 to 41, Abheeshta Shloka to 41, 1 to 41, Nakha Stuti ( For Fourth and Fifth, repeating the iteration as above five times is called Panchaka. Repeating the Panchaka seven times constitutes a Saptaka. Totally, 35 iterations are performed. In the end, Homa and Brahmana Santarpana are to be performed.)
#6  Sri Vyasaraja Paddathi: Nakha Stuti, 1 to 41, Nakha Stuti, 41 to 1 Nakha Stuti, 1 to 41, Nakha Stuti
#7  Yadvarayara Paddathi: Manyu Sukhta, Ballitha Sukta, Trishubha Sukta, Nakha Stuti, 1 to 41, Nakha Stuti, 41 to 1, Nakha Stuti, 1 to 41, Nakha Stuti, Trishub sukta, Ballitha Sukta, Manyu Sukta, SundarKanda
Please note Parayana will give effect when done with Bhakti.
Bhakti comes from Gyana, the objective of this blog is to spread the internal meanings of each shloka, so that the Gynana increases and each shloka, each word, each alphabet can be meditated upon during Parayana.
Also minimum criteria are that yathashakti “madi” is being followed.


Let’s say you’re preparing a recipe, you find one of the ingredients missing and you can’t find it anywhere, what do you?
If it’s the main ingredient you see if you change the recipe or if it’s a minor ingredient you try to adjust with something else or skip it.
The only major ingredients for Sri Hari seva/sadhana is Gyana, Bhakti and Vairagya.
Doing parayana is like cooking. If you think you are going to cook a complicated and elaborate dish the first time and get it right, is it practical ? You keep practicing, missing some ingredients now and then, but you don’t stop trying. Until you finally get it right.
Doing parayana is similar, you do yatha shakti, keep doing, keep trying to the best of your resources. Sri Hari overlooks minor lopas and doshas, have confidence on him.
To get the opportunity to do seva/parayana itself takes several janmas of punya. Make no mistake, this is kaliyuga, there are no guarantees except of Sri Hari. Do you know how much punya you need to stay at Mantralaya for 7 days consecutively and do seva ? Most people think, I’ll just do this seva, but they are not able to do it, some or the other obstacle keeps popping up.  It takes a lot of punya, to get the oppurtunity to do seva, when you have it; GRAB IT!!!
Remember Sri Hari is the only guarantee. Please don’t waste even a second.
Once a Brahmin comes to Yudhistira asking for dana for his son’s upanayna, Yudhistira asks him to come the next day. The brahmin goes to Bheemsena Devaru, he immediately does the dana, sends the brahmin respectfully and goes and rings the Victory Gong ! Everyone comes out and asks him the reason, he says Yudhistira has conquered death. Yudishtira is puzzled, Bheemsena Devaru  explains; by telling the Brahmin to come tomorrow, Yudhisthira indirectly acknowledges that he knows that he is going to be alive the next day; i.e. he has conquered death for a night and this is no mean feat. Yudhistira understands and realizes his folly.

Moral of the story: Do whatever you can with whatever you have and how much ever you can. Do it NOW!!!
Some people may be wondering, I’m outside India, I’m busy, I have something coming up, I’ll do it later. Regarding “doing parayana properly” – what is meant by proper? Sri Krishna mentions all that is required is phalam, pushpam, patram, toyam.

Most people would go to the fruit and flower markets to get this.
Phalam – fruit of sat karmas – Naham Karta, Hari Karta and BharatiRamana Mukhyaprana antargata Sri Krishnarpanamastu
Pushpam – mantra pushpam or shloka or Nama smarane with devotion
Patram – scriptures – Gynana
Toyam – water?
Which water hot water/ cold water/ fridge water/ bottled water/ tap water/ well water/ corporation water?
None of above, tears of Bhakti is the meaning of toyam
So the only person stopping you from doing Parayana is YOU!!! That’s right shake yourself up, do some parayanas and see your life shift into TOP GEAR!!!

Jai Bharateesha,



  1. It is all well said and mostly done !But the person doing the Prayers require Shradha and Bhakti,which is very difficult to obtain.Many Gurus consulted will give various recipes and THE PERSON doing finds it difficult to understand the effect of Shradhha and Bhakti in HIM to gain that vision of Faith !
    Find Shradha and Bhakti which motivates the Faith in your prayers. Result oriented prayers are not correct in practice.

  2. Great post, I really like the picture. The Van reminds me of my college roadtrip. upnishads for busy people

  3. Very nice post . We are residing in muscat and we learn hari vayu stuthi here and we do narayana in house and in temple . Its gives immense strength and peace .Please keep up this good work of posting . Very nice post.

  4. Such a divine prerana, nehAbhikrama nAshosti pratyavAyo na vidyate, swalpamapsya dharmasya trAyete mahato bhayAt.

  5. how to choose “Abheeshta Shloka” for doing Parayana??
